
love - May 2021

The desire for “play time” is certainly with you this month, and, for the most part, your powers of attraction are running high. Your creativity pours out and creates an inspiration for you that exceeds your normal abilities. Your emotions show this and everyone will see. Have fun with it and its playful attitude it gives you.

You’ve been protecting yourself long enough. Now is the time to take charge and try new things. Use your inspiration and get spontaneous. Take a chance on something you would normally pass up. Feel the desire and go with it instead of holding back. Your efforts will not go unnoticed and will prove positive and prolific for you. It is what is called the spice of life. It is there for you to enjoy to the fullest extent physically, mentally and more so, emotionally.

Do, however, be careful in overindulging. There are limits to everything you do. Enjoy the fruits of life, but do not get overly confident or feel that nothing can go wrong. Go over these limits and you’ll see just how badly something wonderful can go awry. Take a chance on love but don’t take a ‘risk’. You’ll know the difference.

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