
May 16th - 22nd

You find yourself at a spiritual crossroads, unsure what path to choose. Make time for introspection and meditation as you move ahead. Health should be a priority now. Don't delay on making needed appointment and be cautious in order to avoid being a victim of an accident or theft. Now is a time to seek out family, especially elders with wisdom to share. Be part of a larger social group may hold limited appeal. Rest and quietude are in order so you can confidently move forward.

Absorbing the introspective vibration of this phase you now turn most of your thoughts inward to understand the inner nature of your own being. Sometimes one's aspirations can be so high that not achieving them causes mental suffering. You will feel a sense of awareness of your own limitations, be they physical, emotional or even financial, as well as a sense of being confined and restricted. It will pass, giving way to glory in achievements, bonds, love and creativity.

Your mind is focused on private matters and past issues this week. This is a time when you are least likely to speak out of turn or to express yourself freely. You're searching behind the curtain, and examining the past for answers. For some of you this might mean a temporary disorientation with time and space that knows no boundaries.

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