
career - October 18th - 24th

Construction concerns may make professional life a bit of a headache now. Weather the storm by looking for some inexpensive recreation with friends and colleagues. Join a group or participate on a sports team. Take a class to brush up on some existing skills or to acquire some new ones. Family, your own or your partner's, may need your help with a repair of home or vehicle. Make new purchase on sound research, without taking any risky chances. Your talent for diplomacy will help you keep the peace.

Focus on what is closest to your heart now. Home and family take up much of your free time. Even your career choices will now be evaluated by how well they serve your loved ones. You may now feel an interesting in tracing your roots, getting in touch with your heritage. Belonging is what you seek. Keep an eye on financial matters though, especially loans or sales on the horizon. A big purchase or important contract may need your attention. A renovation or an addition may be debated during family bonding time. Prioritize friends and family this week.

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