
career - March 2024

Cancer, this month brings with it a delightful sense of playfulness and inspiration. Compared to other months, you'll find yourself feeling free and ready to take on that creative project you've been putting off. While some may see this as the norm, others may feel slightly out of sync. It's understandable, as you've been in a more conservative mindset recently. Embrace this newfound spontaneity and willingness to take risks, even if it surprises you. If you've been considering asking for a raise or inviting a colleague to a social event, now is the time to prepare yourself and make your request. Opportunities for enjoyment and fulfillment are abundant in your life right now. People, places, and things that interest you are all within reach. Listen to your strong feelings during this period, but also remember to stay grounded and humble. Confidence is a wonderful thing, but don't let it blind you to the realities of the world. Even in this time of high spirits, be aware that excess confidence can lead to downfall. It's important to avoid any high-risk behaviors that may tempt you at this time. Remember, you're not invincible, even if you feel invincible. Pleasures can be found close to home, and you can have a great time with responsible people without making any sudden travel decisions. Enjoy the company of those you know you can trust and have a good time in their presence.

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