
January 2023

Now the focus shifts on people and relationships, ranging from personal to platonic to just professional. You will realize that to help you achieve success your people skills need to be honed. You will need to be sharp-witted and alert in order to identify potential (or even actual) threats to your welfare/progress. It may not happen but it is good to be prepared. In spite of all this, this month brings you caring and sharing, that is, fine companionship, close ties with loved ones and an overall feeling of both togetherness and contentment. The emphasis is on "us" rather than "me". This may be an especially busy time for people who consult or work with clients one-on-one.

You may feel that you’re in the grip of a force beyond your control, since it is a time for great, perhaps even radical or drastic, changes in your material as well as emotional world. This month, a financial boost is likely, or you may expand money-wise all the way through your partner/associate. You are more tending to even differences in a partnership/relationship regarding the sharing of authority, intimacy matters, finances, and other emotionally-charged topics. Close relationships are intensified. Either you or your partner shall demand a deeper unification.

This is the time to research and reflect upon your objectives. It could also be a time when much of your efforts are channeled into private/secret matters. Unconscious behavior patterns could manipulate the way you assert yourself. Some may experience sleeplessness, especially if they are not allowing themselves the chance to recover and if they are not letting their instinct serve them. Others may enjoy a more dynamic dreaming life (this includes day-dreaming), and, if permitted to run free, the imagination can serve them very well, particularly with regards to new concepts.

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