
career - November 28th - December 4th

Competition and stress are weighing you down on the job. Try to rise above office politics and petty gossip.Stick to the daily routine that serves you well. Many depend on you and your efforts. Career transformation is possible now though it could come at the cost of delayed compensation or temporary monetary setback. You may have the chance to catch the ear and attention of a boss or authority figure soon so use that opportunity to air an idea that's been on your mind.

Stay calm, even in dire situations. This attitude will benefit many, including friends and family. Keeping yourself together under strain can lead to new partnerships and increased likelihood of meeting your goals. Working well with colleagues is essential now and should be easy to do as it feels like you can do no wrong this week. Remember that your decisions impact your home life too and tread carefully. Travel, for business or pleasure, is likely this week. Offer up some of your own talents to assist others. Remember that every great accomplishment begins with a small first step.

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