
love - August 1st - 7th

This is a time of new beginning and potentially sudden endings as well. Some relationship is on the cusp of dissolving. This could even be a romantic one and an inevitable break-up of a partnership that isn't working. Assess the situation and yourself. Weigh your strengths and limitations and get in touch with what you truly want. Spend some time of your physical well being and appearance. Treat yourself to some new clothes or a new haircut in order to ready yourself for a transformation at hand. Your creativity and sense of romance and adventure will draw the attention of the right person.

It may be time for a change. Get ready to move in a new direction. Conflicting situations may necessitate a new path. Take a breath and step away from what's troubling you. Sort out your priorities now. Whether it is catching up on bills or putting the finishing touches on a project you've been picking at, tend to what needs attention. Attend to your health and well being. Romance will fall into place later once this necessary self care is dealt with. Your heightened concentration will be good for you this week. Get things done. Dot your i's and cross your t's.

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