
March 25th - 31st

Aquarius, an issue concerning a mother figure is weighing on your mind, urging you to step up and offer your support. Consider planning a journey that can provide you with a fresh perspective and lead to spiritual growth. Pay attention to your diet to avoid health issues, and prioritize investing in your education or learning a new skill to enhance your career prospects in the long term. Clear and direct communication is essential now, so don't hesitate to voice your needs and desires. Embrace your confident grasp on ideologies and remain open to evolving your beliefs as needed. Others are drawn to your open-minded and playful nature, so use your words wisely to forge connections and express yourself. Your talents, whether in dancing, singing, or any other form of self-expression, will bring joy not just to you but also to those around you. Open up to both old and new contacts, as meaningful interactions await. Trust in your abilities and embark on this journey of self-discovery with courage and optimism.

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