
career - July 4th - 10th

You may be feeling alone in this phase, either as a result of some voluntarily chosen seclusion or being cut off from those who prefer to communicate with. Rest, meditation and soul searching are all in order now. Make health a main priority, both physical and spiritual. Make appointments with doctors and advisers. Choose healthier ways of living. Keep in mind those who depend on you and adhere to a daily routine that maximizes wellness. Look to spiritual paths and visions in dreams for guiding insight.

Sort out what's worrying you. Settle any financial matters that are up in the air. Make a to-do list and tackle each item in turn. Take things in stride and improvise as needed. You've got it in you to improve your life. Health is important to you now so go to an appointment or adopt a new regimen. Follow through on work and personal commitments. Find a balance between work and pleasure and you will also find success. Don't neglect yourself in all that you do.

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