
love - June 20th - 26th

Problems in your family or social circle may be pulling you down now. Rest assured that these obstacles are temporary. A legal resolution may be reached over an injury or accident. Look to family for advice and relief, especially an uncle who have insights to offer. You find yourself wondering where you stand with people this week and wanting more information. Seek this out via conversation and be sure to attend to your own health through some much needed self-care in the meantime.

A friend of colleague may make a romantic overture during this Mercury cycle. Success in love is likely now. What you desire may soon come to fruition. Take on added tasks and everything will fall into place naturally. Life is smooth sailing now--in love, work and family relations. Enjoy your successes and don't let negative comments rattle you. You are ready to explore and get in touch with new parts of yourself. This makes you attractive and powerful in the eyes of many. Use this to your advantage. Wield the power you have.

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