
January 17th - 23rd

Be sensible in your spending now. Avoid risky investments or purchases. Sudden domestic troubles may prompt you to visit hospitals or medical settings. Offer consolation and support to family members in need, especially elders and siblings. Relationships are of vital consequence now and that includes forging some new ones. Travel outside of your well worn social circles to connect with interesting new contacts. This networking may lead to some change and upheaval. Keep an open mind about an opportunity. After a period of introspection, it is time to seize the good luck in front of you. Many stand beside you, supporting you and wishing you well.

It is likely that you will initiate discussions during this period, evaluate your appearance and the impact you have on those around you, and make contact with others rather than stay chained to any one place or activity. You may now attract association with those who are young and immature. Also you are likely to find yourself entangled into new situations every other day only to retreat into yourself once you are there, constantly questioning your self-identity. And again like a child, you are highly impatient to find out the truth.

Your thought is now focused on the expectation of self-progress. You are impatient, with tendencies to jump to quick conclusions which may later need to be corrected. In other words you take on child-like qualities which help you focus on the self. You are sharper than usual - more observant, and more inclined to "live in the head".

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