
career - June 14th - 20th

Some disconnections or change has landed you in a completely new environment. You may face some opposition but you will also find new opportunities. With some care and diplomacy, you will be able to pitch your ideas well at meetings and presentations. Before you make a big decision, especially one involving a contract or sale, talk things over with your adviser or significant other. Make time for leisure with friends and loved ones, enjoying a sporting event or other entertainment.

You are enjoying your own sense of creativity this week. You make gains on all fronts, personal and professional. Conversations with colleagues, co-borns, siblings or neighbours are intellectually fulfilling. Pitch an idea to the right person at the right time and watch the idea set in motion. You are feeling adventurous and outgoing. As you start on some fresh adventure, remember to bring closest friends and loved ones along. You have the strength of mind and character to go it alone but an adventure with someone special is far more meaningful. Dig deep and you will find all sort of inner resources within yourself this week. Enjoy the high you are presently on.

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