
career - September 26th - October 2nd

Take a break for amusement and leisure now. You have been working hard, trying to tie up contracts and plans. A decision that impacts you and your partner needs to be made this week. Avoid risky ventures or gambling which could cost you more than you anticipated if you partake. Some connection made be coming to an end but as one door closes another opens. Get away to a new environment if you could. The change of scenery would do you a world of good.

Your organization at work pays off now. Business profits and monetary gains are both the result of your personal efforts. Others notice your work ethic and refreshingly optimistic spirit. Take a weary co-worker under your wing and let them vent to a sympathetic ear. Tasks assigned to you now may feel menial or beneath you but use the lowered pressure to relax some. Doing some community service or connecting with others could do you a world of good now. Avoid rash decisions and be patience with any challenges you encounter this week as they are only temporary.

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